English task by. HARI WIBOWO

CLASS      : D
NIM            : G1011161154

Assalammualaikum wr…..wb
My name is Hari Wibowo , my home of Sambas Kecamatan Paloh village Matang Danau
Which school are you from  SMK NEGERI 1 PALOH department Computer network & Engineering (TKJ).
The reason to enter the Faculty of Forestry because I want to preserve forests in Indonesia, although people
 say forests in Indonesia have been a bit more but that's what I want to prove that the remaining forest A LITTLE 
That I will strive to maintain and preserve the forests in Indonesia are not for ever be reduced. Although I am 
from the school SMK not SMA department sains , but I will not be desperate to learn and study more to know
 more about forestry and although I learned from zero again. Umpteen and thank you.
               Assalammualaikum wr.....wb

