Movies That Describe My Life

Movies That Describe My Life

Hi friends and welcome back to my blog Ari Wibowo, so today I will tell you a movie where there is one player that movie named Ari Wibowo. so the movies I choose rather leads to my name. I took a movie titled “alangkah lucunya negeri ini”. why I chose this film? because this film there is one of the actors or players named Ari Wibowo, from the name alone is similar but the players behavior or activity with me is very different. he is a thief while I was a student. This movie is great for me because of that movie we know that education is important very important for us to get the knowledge that we have or have not mastered, we must realize that education is important.
in the film there is one figure who named bangmuluk he was unemployed and did not have a job. just because the company where he works suffered huge losses. he had a girlfriend that which is planned to be married after bangmuluk successful and have a steady job. bangmuluk time is running her hunger but he has no money to buy food. but he was very lucky because she met a boy he did not know, but the boy took bangmuluk eat and they eat together. after dinner he invited the boy to his home, after arriving home bangmuluk boy was surprised to see many children inside the house. turns out they all are a thief or pickpocket. Thank you
